The Inkformant Report: Winter 2018

“It’s still bright outside this evening, which means that winter is ending soon.  I just had a thought.  If The Inkformant left his footprints behind in the snow, they would look like perfect straight lines…” “A reintroduction to The Inkformant… #throwbackthursday to the character development lesson in our comics curriculum!” Template by “I created […]

The Inkformant Report: Fall 2017

“On a pumpkin patch field trip with the kiddos in October 2017, there were black baby pigs eating pumpkins.  They looked like they were eating out of big orange eggshells! So much adorableness.” “Latte Art” “Here’s a sneak peak at an upcoming story #ontheblog.  ‘Win Min: A Villager’s Story of Education will be on The […]